First of all I'd like to apologize for not posting last week. Thursday honestly I have no good excuse for, I just lost track of time and then was too tired. Lame, I know. I was going to post Sunday to make up for it but then my house decided to fall apart. In one weekend we had our computer freeze up, our fridge went all wonky so my dad had it sitting in the middle of the kitchen trying to fix it, meanwhile the dishwasher was leaking water all over the place, the motor died in our washing machine, our car got a flat tire sitting in the driveway, and to top it all off there was a power outage for a couple hours. Technology just was not on our side this weekend :S
But on to summer! I agree with Caitlin about preferring winter, there's just nothing like curling up under a blanket with a good book while outside turns into a winter wonderland. Summer does give a nice break though, I'd probably get sick of winter if it went on too long...which it does sometimes, we've had it snow in JUNE, that's just unacceptable! I love how green and sunny it is in the summer and I also love the rain.
I pretty much only have two plans for this summer:
1) Get my life in order. Clean and reorganise my room, figure out university classes, maybe get my license, etc.
2) Road trip to Vancouver for the Owl City concert! I'm so stoked! Five friends and myself are going. AND we'll see Harry Potter while we're there!
Otherwise I'm mostly just taking it easy, it's been a crazy year and I feel like it's time for a break.
As for the same sex marriage debate I've never understood why it's a debate. Every individual should have to right to be happy and to marry whomever they love and it should be as simple as that, right? But no, for some reason some people have an issue with that and I don't understand why. I'm proud of my country though, same sex marriage has been legal nation wide for about 6 years now and in most provinces it's been legal even longer than that. I hope one day we can live in a world where everyone is accepted for who they are.
Owl City concert?? I'm jealous!!!! Have fun! That sounds amazing.