Hello all!
How are you doing? I hope you're splendid! I don't really know why but I'm having an excellent day, and it's not even that anything particularly excellent has happened, it's been pretty average by all standards but I'm just in a good mood! :D See, look how big that smile is! Haha okay now I'm just getting silly...maybe I'm just overtired and giddy :P
How are you doing? I hope you're splendid! I don't really know why but I'm having an excellent day, and it's not even that anything particularly excellent has happened, it's been pretty average by all standards but I'm just in a good mood! :D See, look how big that smile is! Haha okay now I'm just getting silly...maybe I'm just overtired and giddy :P
I think it's safe to assume that at some point in time we have all had to deal with a school locker. While they are convienent places to keep things they are one of the hardest places to keep clean. No matter how hard you try by the end of the year when you clear it out there's a big pile of stuff. Useless stuff, crumpled papers, garbage, fallen magnets, etc. The last thing every locker needs is more stuff. Yet at the top of every locker are handy little slots just waiting to be utilised like mail boxes.
My positive prank was inserting stuff into these mail-like slots. But not just any old stuff to clutter up the lockers more, positive stuff. Optimistic notes to brighten people's days when found among the piles of other stuff inside. After school a friend and I stayed and wrote out nearly a hundred little notes and then went around the school slipping them into random lockers. We recieved a few strange looks from teachers working late but just smiled at them and continued on our merry way.

I love those kinds of days! Nice prank!