Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Story Week: Human Nature and Purpose.. Wow, I can't stick to one thing? Can I?

Hey (: I didn't really know what I was going to write until I read Emily's.. So it might seem a bit dodge, but it's all I could really think of and after reading hers and listening to Avril Lavigne's Keep Holding On... Well, let's just see how this goes..


Do you ever just walk down a street and try and figure out what the lives of the people walking past you are like? Well, I kind of did that today. But I kind of didn't.. It was more of a, figuring out what the lives of are people are meant to be. 

Are we just here to eat, drink and live? Or is there more to it than that? All I know, is that walking down the street of the shopping centre, trying to distract myself from the fact that I was late for meeting up with my friend for a late lunch and then having to get back to school for a rehearsal all in 50 minutes really makes a person think. 

And I was thinking of something that was not a surprise to my mind. It was a thought that I'd had a numerous amount of times, but this time I really though about it. Mainly what I was thinking about was what was the purpose of our lives. Can't I just live forever? Like Captain Jack Harkness or that main brunette girl from Sanctuary. What happens when you die? Will I die? (and then that counter thought that I always have that screams I don't want to die.)

Then there's the other stuff... Like why the hell does my friend want to move schools? Is the person I'm meeting up with going to be there? Will any of her friends be there? And ohmygosh, I AM LATE. And then I spotted a couple of, what seemed like, homeless people going at it. And then I thought why the hell are they doing that? Aren't they both in the same situation? Can't they just work together? But they can't. Because it's basically human nature to fend for yourselves. Survival of the fittest? I think so. 

Eventually I got to lunch, and their were about 12 other people there, only 3 of which I knew. One thing that got to me was that they kept saying that they had no friends, that they were the losers... That that was what their school was, the school were the losers come together and make friends. That really bugged me. Seriously? Who has the right to define a loser? How can you say that about yourself and your so called friends? They had friends, they were surrounded by the people who liked them and tolerated them. Otherwise, they wouldn't be there. Can't you just shut it and live in the moment? Acknowledge and praise what you have.. And I guess that I'm now just contradicting myself. Here I am, questioning life. But we all do it. It's human nature to have a purpose. And if you don't know what that purpose is? Well, then you start to question.

In the end I ended up speed walking back to school. My feet were on fire and I was 10 minutes late. But the rehearsal was alright... if you like pathetic American accents and a pregnant drama teacher trying to be funny. Why am I in this again? Oh yeah, that's right. To have a purpose.


Sorry if it's bad. It's almost 11pm, and well.. I've had 4 exams so far -_- It's not very one tracked is it? Well, tell me if you hate it, love it.. Or whatever.

*insert DFTBA picture here*


Caitlin x