Monday, March 14, 2011

Pi Day/ World suck/ QUESTION WEEK [3.14.11]

Happy Monday!

It's Pi day! I miss the days back in middle school when we would get to have parties in math class because of this. Pi day should be a national holiday.

I'll start with the questions!
"What's your favorite Birthday memory?"
When I was four years old this kid from my neighborhood (who shall remain anonymous) came to my birthday party, and I really didn't like him. I don't remember why I didn't like him I just know that I seriouslyyyy did not like him. So when I found out he was there I pouted for like an hour, and then something came over me. I went over to him and I pantsed him. No one really cared, but it totally made my day.

"What drew you to nerdfighteria?"
Last year I read Paper Towns for an English project. I then googled John Green, and found vlogbrothers. The rest is history.
"What colour (such an australian ;) would you paint the sky?"

"Where has been your favorite place you've traveled to?"
The summer before my Sophomore year I went to Berlin, Germany with my aunt and my uncles and my cousins. It was probably the best trip ever. I was having a lot of fun, but then we went to Paris. Words cannot describe how much I dislike that place. However, I would definitely give it a second chance.

"In a utopian's society that you create, what role, if any, would emperor penguins play in it?"
Emperor Penguins would live primarily in ridiculously cold climates (like that of Edmonton, Canada), and would have about the same role as cats and dogs. Only more awesome because they're ridiculously tall, and would be great with kids.
(they are so frackin COOL)

Now onto the theme!
Unless you live under a rock you know that on friday there was a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the coast of Japan, making it the 5th largest earthquake since 1900. Soon after the earthquake 19 countries (including the west coast of the United States) were under Tsunami alert. As of Saturday the death toll was around 1600 with 9600 missing. The Los Angeles Times reports that the death toll could top 10,000.

This can be classified as world suck. Majorrrrr world suck. It sucks so much that I'm going to go make a bagel so that I can calm down.

(5 minutes later)
So yes, this sucks epically. 10,000 families lost someone special to them, and that's just not fair. However, something that we have to remember every time that something as crappy as this happens is that there is still a lot more world suck that we need to deal with. I mean right now Haiti is still in really bad shape. AIDS and Malaria are still running rampant in Africa and parts of South America. Basically what I'm getting at is that we shouldn't stop donating to other organizations and donate to the most popular cause.

Every week I donate half of my allowance to an organization called Food for the Hungry which is a Christian organization that devotes itself to ending hunger EVERYWHERE, not just in certain parts of the world.

My idea as a theme this week is to talk about how you have helped or will help end world suck.


1 comment:

  1. In celebration of Pi day... 3.141592653589793238462643383
    Everyone needs a little more pi in their life :)
