Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adelaide, the city of evil churches, corpses and festivals!

I live in Adelaide, Australia. I’ve been here for the past 2, 3 maybe 4 years… And I don’t necessarily want to spend the rest of my life here. Sadly, I wasn’t able to go out and take some pictures. (It’s raining and I’m sick) So I’ve had to resort to Google images. But anyways, here’s a few interesting facts.

1) We have the only migration museum in Australia.
2) South Australia is the opal capitol of the world.
3) We’re known as the City of Churches (But if you Google Adelaide city of… You get churches, corpses, evil and festivals)
4) Adelaide is the name of a song by Ben Folds

And I’m sure there’s some other stuff… But I can’t really find anything. Except that we’re apparently the first to legalize nude swimming. Which I find hilarious… Coz I really can’t see us doing that. We’re also the first to outlaw sexual and racial discrimination, the first to get rid of capital punishment, first to recognize Aboriginal land rights and the first state to give women the right to vote. OH! And our current PM is went to high school here. Not quite sure if she was born here though…

If you type Adelaide into Google Images, you get this photo. Which is a photo you always see. The river is the Torrens River, what I think is the Channel Ten studios, the Festival theatre. You also get a couple of black swans. So yeah, if you go a few blocks down you find Rundle Mall, and my school :D

Rundle Street
3 of the 4 tourist attracting pigs

The Malls Balls

Rundle Mall is brilliant. It’s always interesting and always has something go on. And it’s got it’s fair share of weird and interesting things ;) As you can see, there’s the pigs. No idea why they are there… But the just are. And whenever you go to Rundle Mall you can always see a family of tourists taking photos with the pigs. It’s hilarious… And then there’s mall balls. Enough said. You always have some sort of people busking in Rundle Street. I have a video of one the most AWESOMEST teaming ups of two people who perform.

Best place for a Nerdfighter Gathering…

The best place for a Nerdfighter Gathering would be the Botanical Gardens (which was where I went to my first meeting for NaNoWriMo). It’s an amazingly beautiful place and perfect for holding gatherings. And if we ever get bored, we can just go to the zoo. WHICH IS JUST ACROSS THE STREET. It’s awesome.

Best place to… SEE A GIANT SQUID.*


Only some of it...

Sadly, this is the only photo I could find -____-  The squid is in the museum over here in Adelaide. I love this museum… They have free postcards :D (I’m currently starting a wall of postcards).
*Sadly, not an actual giant squid

Best place to buy the weird but adorable stuff that nobody knows what it is but knows where you got it from…

MORNING GLORY. This shop has the coolest stuff… Soft toys, punching pens, pencil cases, nail polish, paper cranes… Photo booths. This is some of the stuff I’ve gotten from Morning Glory…

THIS PHOTO IS STUPID (It won't move D:)

Reasons for why Adelaide may be called the city of evil, churches, corpses and festivals...

Churches: This is actually what we are the city of.. My reason for it being called that is coz we have loads of churches. Real reason is because we were the only colony to let whoever build whatever church they want.
Evil: There's an actual book about this. Oh my. 
Corpses:  "But there is an inexplicable dark side to Adelaide. Some are now choosing to call it the "City of Corpses." And it is not hard to understand why. Per capita Adelaide and environs has recorded more of Australia's most notorious crimes than any other Australian capital city. In the annals of Australia's most horrific crimes, laid-back Adelaide's sinister past (and present) makes other cities look like Camelot." -
Festivals: Now, this one I understand. Apparently we're world-renowned by our festivals ;)

The Fringe :D Music and Comedy festival... Which just happened to have a few pigs there. -__-

So yeah, that’s it for today (:

Oh, and today was International Water Day right? Well, my school had the swimming carnival today… Great way to save water! *sarcasm, sarcasm*

(EDIT: Yay! It's Wednesday ;) )


  1. School sucks, but I can't wait to read this when I get home! lol

  2. THIS IS SO COOL. I want to visit you!!

  3. Oh, and I hope you're feeling better soon!

    BTW. Ben Folds is awesome!

  5. I hope you're feeling better!
    Yay for Fringe! And wednesday! And Adelaide for being awesome :)
