Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Destination: Denver!

I live in the suburbs south of the lovely city of Denver, which is my favorite city in the country. It's an awesome place to live. I had planned on listing some fun facts the way Chuck did about Albany, but fortunately, while I was walking around, I discovered a cow statue with fun Denver facts already painted on it. How convenient!
(You'll have to click on the pictures to be able to read the facts, obviously.)

I decided to be inefficient, so rather than deciding what to write about and then photographing, I took a bunch of pictures and then had to decide what to write about. Considering the amount of pictures, this is going to take a while...

Best place to go for a walk
South Suburban Trail System

This one isn't actually in the city, but in the suburban area where I live. The Denver-metro area has a really extensive park and trail system, which means you can get around fairly easily without ever setting foot on a paved surface. Add to that the fact that litter is practically non-existent and you get a heck of a nice place to spend an afternoon.


Probably the best thing about living where I do is the Rocky Mountains. You can see them from almost anywhere in the area, where the skyline is clear, but there's a park near my house that's just perfect for watching the sunset (not pictured. Obviously). It's also a great place to come and sit if you need to clear your mind. However, this park has a rather unfortunate name.
The name has some sort of historical significance, but still. 

Best way to get around
The Light Rail.

There's a joke that goes, “Colorado: where a $3000 mountain bike sits on top of a $500 car.” This is almost true in my case, minus the mountain bike. Which means I took the train. It's easy, cheap, and efficient, plus you don't have to worry about finding parking once you get downtown.

Best place for a Nerdfighter gathering
The 16th street mall. 

This is just a really cool place. There's a Starbucks every few feet (of course), a giant Barnes and Noble, and a bunch of cool restaurants. I assume that they're good places to eat but I'm too cheap to go into any of 'em. Still, you could walk around this place for hours and not get bored, even if you're totally broke. I love listening to the street performers, but sadly, there weren't many out today and I didn't get any good pictures of them.

This guy noticed my brother holding a camera so he posed in order to get our attention. He was one of those people who stand out on the mall and ask people to donate to Greenpeace or starving children or whatever, but he didn't ask us (my brother and I) for any money. I'm guessing it's because we're minors, but he was so charming I probably would have given him all the money in my wallet if he'd asked.

Best place to buy cool and random junk
The Army Surplus store!
You can get all kinds of military-related junk here, from antique gas masks to t-shirts, pocketknives to machetes. I'm not a real military buff or anything, but some of my friends are, so I've spent a lot of time in there. You can also get high-quality camping gear (something you need if you want to be a real Coloradan) for cheap, and all kinds of really useful stuff. Bags, shoes, hats, you name it. 

Coolest Giant Object

That's me standing next to the bear's foot. This is right outside the convention center, and there's not much else to be said about it except that it was in a vlogbrothers video from when John was in Denver! That makes me happy.

More pictures!!

Well, I don't know of any other specific things to write about, so here are a bunch of random pictures we took while we were out. My brother just bought a Canon Rebel T2i (I think that's what it's called), so he was happy to take a lot of pictures. :)

Sorry about this weird format, by the way; I couldn't figure out how to arrange the pictures more nicely than this.

Anyways, come to Denver and we'll have a good time. It'll be awesome.


  1. nddjakflghdajklshfskalkhu I could totally use an antique gas mask. Seriously, that sounds ridiculously cool. And giant bears?!?! Jackass Hill Park???

    Ohmygosh I want to visit.

  2. Hah... Jackass Hill Park :) And ohmygosh! There's a giant bear.. I want to visit too >_<

  3. So cool! Also those are all super nice pictures :)
