Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Scottish Play and Other Theatre Superstitions

We all know about superstitions like black cats and walking under ladders but the other day I got into a discussion with my mum about superstitions particular to the theatre. I spend a lot of time working in theatre so I'm used to the accompanying superstitions and was a little surprised when she hadn't heard of most of them. So I figured this would be an interesting topic for this week.

The Scottish Play

One of the most well known theatre superstitions is the curse of the Scottish Play. If you so much as mumble the word Macbeth in a theatre you'll have a lot of people freaking out at you. There are different theories for how this started, some say the play is cursed because during the first ever production of it the actor playing Macbeth died. Others claim the first production used actual witches and witchcraft. The more practical claim that it's because there's a lot of swordplay in it and therefore a lot of chances for actors to be injured.

No matter how it started there is no lack of support for the myth. Everytime the show is put on something has gone wrong, even so far as actors being injured or in a few cases dying during the rehearsal and production period of a show. I myself have never worked on the Scottish Play before but people I work with swear strange things have happened when someone has said the M word in a theatre.

Of course people slip up sometimes so there is a rememdy for the curse. Should you quote from the play or say the M word you must immediately exit the theatre, spin three times, spit, swear, and knock before reentering.

Break A Leg A pretty straightforward superstition, it's bad luck to wish someone good luck so you tell them to break a leg. Unless it's a ballet and then they get rather concerned about actually breaking a leg. Apparently ballerina's tend to just say the French word "merde".


Now a days it's considered bad luck to whistle in a theatre but this used to actual be something sensible. It used to be that only major cities had theatres and of course back in the day there weren't cars or planes or even trains really so major cities were located on rivers or coasts so that they had ships. As theatres developed the rigging for sets and hanging lights and such was all based off of the rigging from the ships. As well a lot of sailors would end up working as technicians in the theatres. When adjusting rigging on ships sailors used a series of coded whistles to communicate and of course this was brought into the theatre as well. It was a bad idea for actors to whistle inside the theatre because it could be misinterpreted by the technicians and next thing you know there's a set piece falling down. Now with the technilogical advancements made a lot of things have become computerised and technicians have wireless headsets to be able to communicate with so the practice of whistling for work has fallen out of use but the tradition of not whistling in a theatre has carried on.

Ghosty Ghosts!

Apparently most theatres are haunted. Almost any theatre you go to will have ghost stories a plenty to tell you about. Even my theatre at school supposedly has ghosts. I've never really seen evidence of them myself though, just heard stories. Well, there was one thing that was pretty unnerving with our lights, but I maintain it was because our lighting board had been acting up for months. Anyways there are a few things done in theatres that are generally attributed as being for the ghosts, as well as just being practical. One is monday's being a "dark night" for theatre, in other words there is no performance that night. It's said dark nights are so that the theatre ghosts can have one night a week to perform their own plays, but also it gives actors and techs a night off after a weekend of shows where there's both a matinee and evening performance each day. The other common referance to ghosts is the ghost light. Every theatre has a light that stays on once all other lights are turned off, generally just a normal lightbulb on a stand wheeled out onto the stage, though some theatres have them built in. Purposes for the ghost light are as follows:

1) The light wards off ghosts

2) The ghosts always want enough light to see and failure to provide them with it may anger them, leading to pranks

3) So that humans who would otherwise be crossing the stage in the dark don't fall into the orchestra pit, die in the fall, and become ghosts themselves.

There's lot's more out there but I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the zany world of theatre superstitions :)

Post Script

I'm sorry the formatting's all weird, I fix it and then as soon as a post it it goes weird again. I don't understand!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why does my cat lick me?!?!

I made this way too hard for myself. I couldn't think of anything to write about this week. And then today came and I was like, “AHHHH! IT’S WEDNESDAY.” -___- But I finally came up with something… The 
reason behind why your cat licks you.

Obviously, we all follow the Vlogbrothers. And if we’ve all watched John’s latest video on answering the frequently searched things that came up in the Google autofill we hear that one of the questions was ‘Why does my cat lick me?’ I have a cat of my own, and occasionally he does like me. But now he is more accustomed to biting me so if there is ever a Wednesday where I don’t post, you can blame it on my vampire cat.

But anyways, I found this amazing so seeing as I couldn’t think of anything else to educate you lot about, I resorted to going a bit more in depth to the questions why does my cat lick me? Sure, John’s answer was pretty hilarious, “Cats believe that all other organisms, are cats.”, but I’d like to go more into depth about that and see if there are any other answers, or a bigger explanation to the whole your cat thinks that 
you’re a cat thing.

According to this one site, cats lick you, nudge you (So on and so forth) because it’s their way of showing affection to you. They believe that when a cat headbutts your hand, it’s the human equivalent of bowing. Course. XD This site also says that cats accept humans as the leader of the pack, which is interesting... Coz if you go back to the time of the Egyptians, didn’t humans basically worship cats? 

Another reason is the whole mother cat grooming her kittens with her tongue. So either cats just need to lick people or they believe that we are the cat’s kittens.


You have most probably learnt that John’s answer is most the most reasonable and interesting answer. CATS BELIEVE THAT ALL OTHER ORGANISMS, ARE CATS. Now you can live your life with that one piece of knowledge. NOW GO! LIVE A SUCCESSFUL LIFE WHERE YOU KNOW WHY CATS LICK YOU!

... I honestly don’t know what I’ve written myself. But there is what is hopefully one piece of education. If you want to be properly educated, go read Emily’s post on the history of ukuleles or Chuck’s on 3D glasses.

 I CAN'T WAIT FOR HARRY POTTER 7!! I'm planning on my friends and I going to the midnight screening, dressing up and pulling a full on wizard duel... Coz that would be so cool. 

(A/N I think we should bring in that punishment rule; not only for late posts but for bad posts)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

History of the Ukulele

Ukuleles seem to be quite popular among the nerdy musician types on YouTube, and since I just bought one, I figured it would be fun to write a bit about the history of the instrument.

Before I start, I want to make sure you're pronouncing it right. Most people (or most Americans, at least) will say "you-ka-LAY-lee." This is wrong. It's "Oo-koo-LEH-leh." Now you have no excuse for pronouncing it wrong, okay? Okay.

Most people assume that the ukulele is a traditional Hawaiian instrument, when in fact it is not. The ukulele as we know it today was designed by Portuguese immigrants in Hawaii in the late 1800's. They based the design on similar instruments from their own country. The word "ukulele" roughly translates to "jumping flea", because ukulele players' fingers moved so quickly across the fingerboard.

The ukulele became quite popular, helped by the support of the last Hawaiian king, David Kalakaua. It reached the mainland around 1915, and its popularity spread quickly throughout the US. Only one of the three Portuguese immigrants who had first designed the instrument, Manuel Nunes, was still building them. While he took on an apprentice to help him meet the overwhelming demands for ukes, several guitar companies on the mainland began to manufacture them. Apparently some of them were stamping "made in Hawaii" on the back of their instruments when they hadn't actually made the ukuleles in Hawaii. This caused Hawaiians to create a legally protected trademark, allowing only genuine Hawaiian-made ukuleles to bear the words "Made in Hawaii, U.S.A.", and making it a misdemeanor to use the trademark falsely.

The popularity of the little instrument continued to grow in America through the 1950's, but by the late 60's it began to fade. By the early 70's, there was only one manufacturer of ukuleles in the world. Happily, the ukulele has been making a comeback in recent years, and becoming more and more popular in modern music.

What I like about the ukulele is that it's inexpensive, portable, and very easy to play. I've had my Lanikai lu-21 (an upgrade from my old toy uke) for about 24 hours now and I've had way too much fun with it already. (I've been trying to learn some songs by Charlie McDonnell and Tom Milsom; I'm guessing you guys probably know who they are.)

In conclusion, Jake Shimabukuro is awesome.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Hopefully it was educational enough for education week.


P.S. If any of you challenge me to learn a song on my ukulele, I will make a video of me playing and singing and put it on YouTube. Easy pop songs only though, k? I can't play more than chords at this point.

P.P.S. Resources:

Monday, March 28, 2011


I remember seeing my very first 3D movie. It was Spy Kids 3D: Game Over and I was about 9 years old. Although the movie sucked I was perplexed by the whole 3D thing. I mean how could movie makers make things pop out of the screen at me? It was a great question, and with the help of my friend's physics teacher and some images from Google I've figured it out.

So 3D movies have been around since the early 1950s, they became pretty popular in the 1980s and 1990s with the creation of IMAX film (Not-so-interesting fact #1: the very first IMAX movie was called Tiger Child which was released almost exactly 24 years before I was born)(Not-so-interesting fact #2 The first permanent IMAX theatre was put in the Cinesphere in Ontario Place [a Canadian amusement park in Toronto]), they were ridiculously successful in the 2000s and are more popular today than they ever have been (Not-so-interesting fact #3: There have been over 46 3D movies released or re-released in the last 3 years).

There are two different types of 3D films.

The ones that use the Blue and Red glasses were used to view early anaglyph films. In order to not sound stupid I'm going to quote wikipedia to describe anaglyph images.

In an anaglyph, the two images are superimposed in an additive light setting through two filters, one red and one cyan. In a subtractive light setting, the two images are printed in the same complementary colors on white paper. Glasses with colored filters in each eye separate the appropriate images by canceling the filter color out and rendering the complementary color black.

The other type of 3D films are polarized films, which is how most 3D films are released nowadays. In order to not sound stupid I will quote my friend('s physics teacher)... it's basically the same thing only it's 'better' because there isn't a tint.

The rays in the beam of light split. You have vertical and horizontal light beams coming out of a movie screen. So each lens of the 3D glasses absorbs one or the other. So one absorbs the parallel rays while the other absorbs the perpendicular rays. The vents only allow one specific light to pass which in return is giving you a view that looks as if its 3d.

And that's 3D film in a nutshell.

DFTBA, Chuck


Postpostscript: Did anyone else see Billy's video on Friday?

(just incase you didnt)
Ohmann. That's funny.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Everything Exceptional in Edmonton! Well almost everything that's more or less pretty exceptional :P

Happy thursday!

Okay so I have unfortunately restored to google images for all of these because I didn't really want to go out in this...
At this point in time sidewalks are 1/3 snow, 1/3 slush, and 1/3 ice so they're not super great to be out walking on.

Fun facts about Edmonton!
  • Weather is crazy here and people have a tendency to complain about it a lot, especially in the winter.
  • Edmonton is the capital city of its province (Alberta).
  • It has one of the lowest population densities of any major North American city. It only has a population of just over a million, yet takes up a greater area than places like Chicago and Detroit.
  • Edmonton is Canada's Festival City
  • There are over 70 golf courses in the area which I find kind of ironic seeing as they can't be used for over half the year... and now I've just come back to the weather again *sigh* it'll never end will it?
  • However one good thing about being so far north is in the summer we get 17 hours of sunshine a day!

Best Place for a Nerdfighter Gathering

West Edmonton Mall. Which was the worlds largest mall, and then Mall of America was built larger and people were sad so WEM expanded and was bigger again and I feel like this back and forth went on for a while but it doesn't matter anymore because there's a mall in China that's bigger than both of them. But anyways it's a big mall with fun stuff to do! Like the water park and amusement park, shopping, skating, movies, oh and there's a big ol' ship in the middle of it.

My Favourite Place to go when it's not so nice out, and even sometimes when it is...

The Art Gallery of Alberta

Architecturally beautiful as well as filled with some fantastic art! I never used to like going to the art gallery because it was, well kind of lame. However a couple years ago they tore it down and built a new one and it's a million times better! Not just the building, but it's been getting a lot better exhibits in it as well. This past year there's been a Matisse exhibit as well as Degas, obviously not their most prominent works were on display since they live in places like the Louve and Tate Modern over in Europe but at least we're getting some bigger names in art coming through at all.

Best Place to Hang Out

Starting by the University and running into the midst of theatre district is a road called Whyte Avenue and it's pretty much the coolest place to go shopping. All along there's everything from used books, records and vintage stores, to stylish boutiques, to stores that just sell fun knick knacks. You can get pretty much anything you need there and can easily pass the time when you have no where to be. It's also has a very active night life because there's a lot of bars and night clubs along it and go one street over and you get about five theatres all within a block or so of each other. All in all quite a fun place to be. Especailly during August when North America's largest Fringe moves in and then you have street performers and buskers gallore! Early in the summer there's also an art walk where local artists set up displays of their work all the way down the avenue for people to see and buy if they want.

Sorry this is so short but I left it kind of late today and now I'm thinking I should get some sleep. A few of the things I was planning on talking about that I just want to mention quick are going for walks in the river valley which is so peacefull and a great escape from the city while still being in the city, skating at this one park in winter, and spending evenings at Folk Fest in the summer (a phenominal music festival featuring both established and up and coming artists).

I hope you enjoyed this little taste of Edmonton! Ooh another fun summer festival is called the Taste of Edmonton where local restruants all have booths set up in the square outside city hall and you can sample some food from each of them :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Adelaide, the city of evil churches, corpses and festivals!

I live in Adelaide, Australia. I’ve been here for the past 2, 3 maybe 4 years… And I don’t necessarily want to spend the rest of my life here. Sadly, I wasn’t able to go out and take some pictures. (It’s raining and I’m sick) So I’ve had to resort to Google images. But anyways, here’s a few interesting facts.

1) We have the only migration museum in Australia.
2) South Australia is the opal capitol of the world.
3) We’re known as the City of Churches (But if you Google Adelaide city of… You get churches, corpses, evil and festivals)
4) Adelaide is the name of a song by Ben Folds

And I’m sure there’s some other stuff… But I can’t really find anything. Except that we’re apparently the first to legalize nude swimming. Which I find hilarious… Coz I really can’t see us doing that. We’re also the first to outlaw sexual and racial discrimination, the first to get rid of capital punishment, first to recognize Aboriginal land rights and the first state to give women the right to vote. OH! And our current PM is went to high school here. Not quite sure if she was born here though…

If you type Adelaide into Google Images, you get this photo. Which is a photo you always see. The river is the Torrens River, what I think is the Channel Ten studios, the Festival theatre. You also get a couple of black swans. So yeah, if you go a few blocks down you find Rundle Mall, and my school :D

Rundle Street
3 of the 4 tourist attracting pigs

The Malls Balls

Rundle Mall is brilliant. It’s always interesting and always has something go on. And it’s got it’s fair share of weird and interesting things ;) As you can see, there’s the pigs. No idea why they are there… But the just are. And whenever you go to Rundle Mall you can always see a family of tourists taking photos with the pigs. It’s hilarious… And then there’s mall balls. Enough said. You always have some sort of people busking in Rundle Street. I have a video of one the most AWESOMEST teaming ups of two people who perform.

Best place for a Nerdfighter Gathering…

The best place for a Nerdfighter Gathering would be the Botanical Gardens (which was where I went to my first meeting for NaNoWriMo). It’s an amazingly beautiful place and perfect for holding gatherings. And if we ever get bored, we can just go to the zoo. WHICH IS JUST ACROSS THE STREET. It’s awesome.

Best place to… SEE A GIANT SQUID.*


Only some of it...

Sadly, this is the only photo I could find -____-  The squid is in the museum over here in Adelaide. I love this museum… They have free postcards :D (I’m currently starting a wall of postcards).
*Sadly, not an actual giant squid

Best place to buy the weird but adorable stuff that nobody knows what it is but knows where you got it from…

MORNING GLORY. This shop has the coolest stuff… Soft toys, punching pens, pencil cases, nail polish, paper cranes… Photo booths. This is some of the stuff I’ve gotten from Morning Glory…

THIS PHOTO IS STUPID (It won't move D:)

Reasons for why Adelaide may be called the city of evil, churches, corpses and festivals...

Churches: This is actually what we are the city of.. My reason for it being called that is coz we have loads of churches. Real reason is because we were the only colony to let whoever build whatever church they want.
Evil: There's an actual book about this. Oh my. 
Corpses:  "But there is an inexplicable dark side to Adelaide. Some are now choosing to call it the "City of Corpses." And it is not hard to understand why. Per capita Adelaide and environs has recorded more of Australia's most notorious crimes than any other Australian capital city. In the annals of Australia's most horrific crimes, laid-back Adelaide's sinister past (and present) makes other cities look like Camelot." -
Festivals: Now, this one I understand. Apparently we're world-renowned by our festivals ;)

The Fringe :D Music and Comedy festival... Which just happened to have a few pigs there. -__-

So yeah, that’s it for today (:

Oh, and today was International Water Day right? Well, my school had the swimming carnival today… Great way to save water! *sarcasm, sarcasm*

(EDIT: Yay! It's Wednesday ;) )

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Destination: Denver!

I live in the suburbs south of the lovely city of Denver, which is my favorite city in the country. It's an awesome place to live. I had planned on listing some fun facts the way Chuck did about Albany, but fortunately, while I was walking around, I discovered a cow statue with fun Denver facts already painted on it. How convenient!
(You'll have to click on the pictures to be able to read the facts, obviously.)

I decided to be inefficient, so rather than deciding what to write about and then photographing, I took a bunch of pictures and then had to decide what to write about. Considering the amount of pictures, this is going to take a while...

Best place to go for a walk
South Suburban Trail System

This one isn't actually in the city, but in the suburban area where I live. The Denver-metro area has a really extensive park and trail system, which means you can get around fairly easily without ever setting foot on a paved surface. Add to that the fact that litter is practically non-existent and you get a heck of a nice place to spend an afternoon.


Probably the best thing about living where I do is the Rocky Mountains. You can see them from almost anywhere in the area, where the skyline is clear, but there's a park near my house that's just perfect for watching the sunset (not pictured. Obviously). It's also a great place to come and sit if you need to clear your mind. However, this park has a rather unfortunate name.
The name has some sort of historical significance, but still. 

Best way to get around
The Light Rail.

There's a joke that goes, “Colorado: where a $3000 mountain bike sits on top of a $500 car.” This is almost true in my case, minus the mountain bike. Which means I took the train. It's easy, cheap, and efficient, plus you don't have to worry about finding parking once you get downtown.

Best place for a Nerdfighter gathering
The 16th street mall. 

This is just a really cool place. There's a Starbucks every few feet (of course), a giant Barnes and Noble, and a bunch of cool restaurants. I assume that they're good places to eat but I'm too cheap to go into any of 'em. Still, you could walk around this place for hours and not get bored, even if you're totally broke. I love listening to the street performers, but sadly, there weren't many out today and I didn't get any good pictures of them.

This guy noticed my brother holding a camera so he posed in order to get our attention. He was one of those people who stand out on the mall and ask people to donate to Greenpeace or starving children or whatever, but he didn't ask us (my brother and I) for any money. I'm guessing it's because we're minors, but he was so charming I probably would have given him all the money in my wallet if he'd asked.

Best place to buy cool and random junk
The Army Surplus store!
You can get all kinds of military-related junk here, from antique gas masks to t-shirts, pocketknives to machetes. I'm not a real military buff or anything, but some of my friends are, so I've spent a lot of time in there. You can also get high-quality camping gear (something you need if you want to be a real Coloradan) for cheap, and all kinds of really useful stuff. Bags, shoes, hats, you name it. 

Coolest Giant Object

That's me standing next to the bear's foot. This is right outside the convention center, and there's not much else to be said about it except that it was in a vlogbrothers video from when John was in Denver! That makes me happy.

More pictures!!

Well, I don't know of any other specific things to write about, so here are a bunch of random pictures we took while we were out. My brother just bought a Canon Rebel T2i (I think that's what it's called), so he was happy to take a lot of pictures. :)

Sorry about this weird format, by the way; I couldn't figure out how to arrange the pictures more nicely than this.

Anyways, come to Denver and we'll have a good time. It'll be awesome.