Wednesday, September 21, 2011

o.O Events.. That have taken place.

Oh hey there stranger.

Okay, so this week's them is events that have happened recently or are happening around us now. And over the past few months, quite a few things have been happening..

To start it all off there was my school production of High School Musical. I'd mentioned it a couple of times in a few posts, but it finished a couple of weeks ago. I'm kind of missing it, this joke went around that those involved in it host Post High School Musical Depression, and I can tell you, I have PHSMD. It was a good, long, strenuous, annoying, time-consuming, but in the end marvelous time of my life that I will remember for the years to come and be one of the highlights of this year. In the end, I'm glad I did it. Even with a crazed director and an ever-changing Sharpay. The first girl didn't want to do it and the second girl moved schools at the end of term 2, so that role was a bit cursed. But in the end, it was brilliant.

Secondly there was the 40 Hour Famine. Now, I don't know if you do this anywhere else in the world but here in Australia there's this nation-wide event called the 40 Hour Famine. Run by World Vision, the aim of it is to give up something for 40 hours. Wether it be food, makeup, furniture, a limb or something like sight and or hearing. I gave up furniture and the internet. It was a bit hard, seeing as the internet is a key part of my life and I constantly sat on furniture whilst doing it. But I was out for the majority of the weekend, on the Friday I went to my Youth Group where it was themed around the 40 Hour Famine and there was no furniture so that made it a bit easier, yet on the Saturday I was at the shopping centre with a couple of my friends watching the Glee movie, so that was a bit hard. And the amount of weird looks I got as I sat on the floor in the cinema or at Hungry Jacks? Hilarious! In the end I raised $318.85. To me, that's a lot. I plan on applying to be the Youth Ambassador for SA next year :D So that shall be fun!

I guess that those are the two main events that have come and gone for me in the past few months, the biggest thing I can think of coming up is NaNoWriMo. Which I still don't have a plot for. Any ideas?

DFTBA, Caitlin x

Oh! And I pre-ordered TFiOS last week :D I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO ARRIVE!

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