Friday, September 16, 2011

My Yesterday

Do you ever have one of those days that restores your faith in humanity? A day where you can't stop smiling because you're surrounded with genuinely nice people? I had a day like that :)

Most days are pretty standard: get up, bus to school, go to class, maybe see a couple friends, go home, do homework, go to bed. Nothing too exciting, not too much social interaction, but it's a school day, right? Weekends are when you socialize.

Well it was Wednesday, middle of the week. It started like a normal day, waking up after not quite enough sleep, getting ready for the day, and catching the bus. Normally the bus is my least favourite part of the day but as I was heading for a seat I saw a friend of mine with an open seat beside her. Needless to say the commute to school was a lot nicer than normal. Plus it was a chilly day and when we arrived at the university, half an hour before our classes, we went and got hot chocolate together. I hadn't spent much time with her since before summer so it was really lovely to catch up.

Waiting in line for our drinks we were chatting about what classes we had first. The girl in front of us in line overheard and it turns out she was in the same class as me so I talked to her a little bit, she was really nice.

Then walking through the crowded halls to class I spot a couple friends smiling and waving. Doesn't seem like a big deal but on a campus of 35 000 students you don't often pass people you recognize, let alone are friends with.

I walked into Physics with a warm drink in my hand and a smile on my face. It was only 10am and my day was already looking pretty darn good. Now sitting through an hour long science lecture may not be everyone's cup of tea but I love physics and I have a brilliant Prof, he makes it easy to stay focused and interested in what's going on.

Afterwards I met with two of my best friends for lunch and a new girl one of them has met. I personally haven't really met many new people yet so it was fun to meet someone new. She was a little quiet, and probably thinks we're a bit crazy, but she seemed like a sweet girl.

Speaking of meeting new people... After lunch there was some shuffling of who I was with and eventually it ended up being me and two friends hanging out "doing homework" (we all know how much homework gets accomplished when you're with friends). A guy was walking past and knew one of my friends so he stopped to say hi. A couple hours later and I have a new friend! Who it turns out is in one of my classes so no more being alone all the time!

So the day goes on and I'm getting off the train. I see a guy I kinda know, we've gone through school together and had some friends in common but never really talked much. I'm not sure if he'd even recognize me but we end up beside each other in the crowd and he smiles and says "It's Kimberley right?" Then followed probably the longest conversation we've ever actually had. Often when people don't really know each other they just awkwardly pretend they don't see each other even though they both know they do. Talking to him though was really easy and I'd never realized what a nice guy he is.

I should probably stop here, this is getting kind of long, hopefully not too boring. The point I wanted to make is not just that I had a fantastic day but that I have fantastic people in my life. I'm so appreciative of all my friends and even people I barely know who still have the ability to make someones day.

And that goes for you guys as well. I know lately we've been pretty slack with the posting but I hope we can get back into it. No matter what you post, when I read it, it makes me smile.



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