Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Thursday!

Hello again!
It's been a while, couldn't post last week and the week before blogger was down so my post just went via e-mail but here I am once more, writing who really knows what. But really does anyone know? I sure don't :P

I suppose for this to be considered a well written piece of writing I should formulate a thesis which should then be well articulated and developed throughout. But that's not as fun. And it's too technical. So I'm just going to ramble a bit, rambling is always good to have every so often. That and I had to write an essay in english today so I'm really not feeling the whole thesis vibe right now. It was a terrible essay, one of the worst I've written...let's pretend it never happened!

Tonight I was back at the theatre! My school's dance showcase is tonight and tomorrow night, so I'm only there a couple days but it feels like going back home, I've spent so much time there for other shows. It was a bit of a depressing night though, the majority of the dances were inspired by tragic events/situations, not a lot of upbeat fun ones. The dancers were amazing though, they all did such a wonderful job and looked so beautiful!

So the biggest thing going on right now is this past weekend was my high school graduation! It was soo much fun! We had a 4 day weekend for it as well which was super fun, just partying and hanging out with friends everyday. School is so much harder now because it feels like we should just be done but we still have about 2-3 weeks of classes followed by exams :( It's so hard to focus and to study! I thought I'd be a lot sadder about graduating, the past three years have been the best years of school yet and it's hard to see all those memories coming to an end, yet at the same time I feel fairly ready to move on. I don't know what I'm moving on to yet but it's time for change. Time to try something new. And time to venture out of the structure of grade school into the possibilities and endless options out in the rest of the world.

Well that's enough rambling for now I suppose. Hope you're all well :)


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