Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's been too long!

Happy Sunday!

This is most likely going to be rushed, because I have to go to church and then I have to go do my positive pranking for tomorrow's post (which is the theme by the way. I'm SO excited for it, although I'm still not 100% sure as to what I'm going to do yet) and then I have to go to the apple store because my laptop screen keeps turning blue for some reason.. and then tonight I'm going to a Cotillion (it's like a ball...). Therefore this will be written while I'm getting dressed / eating breakfast.

I think I'm going to use this "do whatever" week to talk about my fellow bloggers.

You're a cellist! I love the cello.. when I was in fourth grade and the music teacher came into all of the classrooms to ask all of the kids if we wanted to play an instrument I said that I wanted to play the cello, but because I couldn't bring a cello on the bus I was told that I'd have to pick the viola or the violin. It was a sad day.
You've made the blog what it is. Which is a pretty flippin' fantastic blog, and even though you are vehement about punishing me I still think you're an extremely cool person and I'm proud to call you my friend. ;)

You've lived basically everywhere that a person could ever want to go. I honestly think that is so cool. Your posts are always really funny and fantastic. In the beginning of the blog you would always had these really cool pictures ...
(ex: )
I kind of miss those. You should definitely start posting them again.

You brought us all together. This whole blog is your brainchild, and I think everyone who is a part of it is really grateful for that. I mean we've been doing this for going on 3 months and it's really been fantastic. So thank you very very very much for having this wonderful idea. I can say with absolute certainty that I'm really glad I came across your thread on the ning because I got to meet 5 (6 including Colin) really awesome people because of it.

Your name rhymes with Kim! And you guys post back to back. Which is basically awesome. Emily found you, and I asked you 5 questions. And you answered them all perfectly. I don't even know if I ever told you that, but when I was reading your answers I was like "woah... you're basically awesome."

Okay so how awesome would it have been if Toms was Tim? I mean seriously.. that would have been pretty cool. But anyway, your first post was probably the funniest post ever on The League. Ever. It was really great. I read your post from yesterday and you are extremely smart too, but then again everyone in the league is pretty smart. I hope you have fun at home this week!

And that's it. I can't wait to post again tomorrow!



  1. Awww, thanks for everything :)
    Btw, may I know who is Tim? :D

  2. Aw, Chuck this is really nice. :) I'm proud to call you my friend as well.

  3. That's so sweet Chuck. Fingers crossed that your laptop is okay.

  4. Oh God... This is embarrassing... I just got the Tim thing... It's cause it rhymes, not that it is a real person... Awkward...

  5. Naww :3 Thank you Chuck! This post definitely made my day.. And I'll start up the DFTBA photos again! Promise.
