Monday, May 16, 2011



This week is reintroduction / question week!

I'll start with my reintroduction.
My name is Chuck. I live in upstate New York. I'm a part of this majorly awesome blog called The League of Extraordinary Nerds. My fellow bloggers are Emily, Caitlin, Kim, Sim and Toms! I believe we're going on our 11th week which is pretty exciting. On Saturday I celebrated my 17th birthday. It was so amazing, I had a great time. I won't go too deep into all of the inappropriate shenanigans but friday was greekfest (so much funnnnn), saturday was prom so I (being the cool kid that I am) went to the movies instead (I saw Priest... it was kind of lame) and sunday I went to church and then I came home and chilled, did a little homework, and then went to bed.

A few of my favorite things:

I talked about this a lot on my original introduction post and on inspirational musicians week and on inspirational authors week. So I guess I should talk about different bands/movies/books that I like.


These guys just released a new album called Helplessness Blues. It's really good if you're into the Simon & Garfunkel folky kind of music. Which I am. :)


The Postal Service is a band composed of Ben Gibbard from Death Cab for Cutie and Jimmy Tamborello (DNTEL) they worked together on a song called (This Is) The Dream Of Evan and Chan and I guess that turned into The Postal Service. . . They only released one album and honestly I would totally prefer another TPS album over a new Death Cab one any day.

This man can whistle anything, and he plays the violin, which is my instrument (run-on sentences FTW).

Ten Inch Hero
Ten Inch Hero Poster
I watched this movie for the first time about two months ago. It was fantastic! I seriously recommend it if you don't mind a little foul language and some nudity.

House of D
House of D Poster
I think I saw this movie for the first time when I was like 10 or 11. It's so ridiculously good. And it has Robin Williams in it, and the Russian kid from Star Trek. Ndfajklsfhdkasldhf it's so good. Watch it NOW.
Little Manhattan
Little Manhattan Poster
The best movie I have ever seen. I feel comfortable saying that too. Watch it if you ever get the chance.


A few weeks ago I picked up The Hunger Games. And I just fell in love with it, I finished it in one sitting and almost immediately had to go back to B&N to get Catching Fire and it was GREAT. I haven't started Mocking Jay yet but I seriously need to. These books are almost as good as Harry Potter.


(my question)
What is one piece of technology that makes your life so much easier?
My laptop (is laptop one word or two?). I honestly don't know what I'd do without it. I would never have been introduced to Nerd Fighting (that's probably a lie because I have a couple Nerd Fighter friends in my area.)
(Emily's question)
If you could visit any fictional universe (e.g. Doctor Who, Harry Potter), which would it be and why?
No question about it. Asgard (Marvel Universe).
Asgard Heimdall.jpg

(Caitlin's question)
If you could be a guest on any talk show, what would it be and why?
ELLEN. I love her <3

(Kim's question)
What's your family like?
Nuclear.... I can honestly say that my family is comprised of the most mundane uninteresting people you could ever want to meet. We're quite boring. My father's name is also Charles. He's one of the directors of residential life at the University of Albany and is a part-time minister (It's confusing. Like our church has one head pastor and then a few evangelists under him who occasionally do sermons.) My mother's name is Perdietha. She works for the New York State Department of Health and she like reviews contracts that the State has set up with certain organizations that it funds. My sister, Brianna, just finished her junior year at a small HBCU in Charlotte, North Carolina. And that's the Rogers family.

(Sim's question WOAH SIM AND KIM RHYME)
If you had a TARDIS or any other time travelling device, which past era would you travel to and why?
I honestly can't think of a better place to be than the present.

That's all :) I don't think Toms had a question. Hmmm.

Donald Trump isn't running for President!!!


  1. This Andrew Bird person is awesome. I am really going to have to check out more of his music. Also, you have a lovely family. :)

  2. Aww, what a nice family photo.
    and I've seen Ten Inch Hero, I agree its such a good film with an awesome soundtrack.

  3. THE HUNGER GAMES! Absolutely amazing.. Except for the last book :/ Very annoyed at the ending. I love your mum's name! And your family looks lovely ^_^
