I love writing, music and fiction. On the music sense of it, I'm in the process of attempting to start up my own Trock band. (We're called the Fez) And as soon as that gets up on it's feet, it'll be brilliant. So yeah, massive Doctor Who fan.. I'm into Supernatural and the whole SciFi/Supernatural stuff. AND FICTION IS AMAZING. Yeah. Fantasy all the way :3
At the current moment I'm just a teensy bit obsessed with Adele and John Barrowman.. YouTube is very resourceful. So my favourite artist at the moment is Adele. She has the voice I want.
Books; like Emily.. I absolutely love fantasy. Harry Potter, Narnia.. That whole lot. Now, onto questions!
What is one piece of technology that makes your life so much easier?
My iPod. I have absolutely no idea what I'd do without it. I do just about everything on there.. I write, I listen, I play, I watch, I facebook. The usual. And I use my notes excessively. I think I have around 218 notes.. Yeah (:
If you could visit any fictional universe (e.g. Doctor Who, Harry Potter), which would it be and why?
DOCTOR WHO. It's fantastic. And I'd love to meet the Doctor, travel around the universe and time and meet Captain Jack and all of the others.. And then there's all the spin off shows which I'm including like K-9, The Sarah-Jane Adventures (Is it still on?) and Torchwood. Ahh, Torchwood.. If I was not travelling with the Doctor, I'd be working at Torchwood. Aliens all the way <3
If you could be a guest on any talk show, what would it be and why?
I'd be on the Graham Norton show. He just seems like a fun person to be around and it looks like a fun show. You get to do the most amazing things, share the most amazing jokes, talk about yourself, meet people and SIT ON A RED COUCH WITH COOL PEOPLE. Yes. And I love having embarrassing stories of the past that can be easily brought up on any talk show.. If I could be on any others, though they are more quiz shows, I'd be on Spicks and Specks and Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Both for the same reasons.. Minus the red couch.
What's your family like?
My family's pretty cool. We're not perfect and we're all a bit different, but we love each other and that's all that matters. I'm close to some of my cousins and my aunties and uncles. One of my best friends is my cousin.. He's amazing ^_^ And a nerdfighter.. We're slowly converting the whole family >:) THREE OF US SO FAR! *Mwuhahaha* Oh, and a bit of interesting trivia.. My dad was an extra in a movie.. And my Auntie has written a book (or two?)
If you had a TARDIS or any other time travelling device, which past era would you travel to and why?
Either the Victorian era or the Renaissance. Both cool, old, and just have that aura of mystery to them. And so many magnificent people came out from there..
What would you wish you could do that you cant?
Play guitar. Or live forever. Either one :) Preferrably both..
That'll do.. And yeah, good luck to both Toms and Sim! It's brilliant to have both of you join us (:
Your name of the entry just reminded me of Friday by She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. I hope you're happy :D