Thursday, December 22, 2011

(I'm bad at titles :S)

Well I'm finally finished this semester of school. One the one hand it's nice to have a break, no more exams to study for or assignments to worry about. Yet it's also completely terrifying.

I decided that there was nothing more for me to do at the university I'm at right now, I'm not working towards any specific degree and any credits I do earn aren't applicable for transfer to the kind of program I want to go into. So I won't be returning to school in a few weeks like most of my friends. Ideally I'll be going back to school in September but since I'm not yet accepted into another school there's a possibility that I'll be off for more than just one term.

For the first time in my life I really don't know what lies ahead of me. Until now there has always been a concrete plan, every step my life will take determined in some form at least for a few years at a time. Now I'm looking straight into the unknown. I do have short-term plans to carry me through a few months but after that I really don't know what will happen.

January I'm still here at home, working my same part-time job I've had for a while and working on getting the best portfolio together that I can. I'll try to spend some time getting some project type things out of the way; getting my drivers lisence for example, and first aid certification. I have a month to just try and get some things done that I feel I should do.

February follows and it's pretty much all traveling. First to London then to Vegas. Once I'm home the idea is to get a full time job somewhere, just work and try to save up money for school. If I get into the school I've applied to I'll just work straight through until september. If I don't I'm not sure yet what will happen. Maybe I take a year off, maybe I apply elsewhere. I have no idea where I'll be or what I'll be doing this time next year and that's kind of frightening.

I've been trying hard to just enjoy the now and take things one day at a time. Every so often though I realise just how fast time is hurtling past and have to brace myself for the onslaught of the unknown.

On a happier note, it's only a few days until Christmas!

Merry Christmas and DFTBA!


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