So, the month that is November has finally dawned upon us. And wow, is it a busy month. ... For me that is.
As some of you know, November is the month where NaNoWriMo takes place. And NaNoWriMo is that thing that insane people do.. You know? The one where people all over the world try and write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? Yeah. That one. Well, I'm doing it and this is my second year. My first year was an epic fail, but hopefully this year will be better. Second day in on my second year, and I've already gone past the 3,000 mark. I'm proud of myself.
November is also the month where exams take place. For those who have exams at this time of year this is. I'm not complaining that much.. We get to write a narrative for our English exam! But then there's the Italian exam. My oh my, that will not go well. But all exam dread aside, I only have 2 and a half weeks of 'proper' school left. Then a week of exams where I only need to be at school for a few hours a day, and then there 2 and a half months of holidays waiting for me. Then year 11. But let's worry about that when it gets here.. :)
So, how is everyone? And I've decided that Easy A is easily one of my favourite movies..
DFTBA, Caitlin x
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