Sunday, November 6, 2011

Welcome to November

Once again I'm utilizing the Sunday catch up day, Thursday night I got into bed exhausted and sore from work and once I got all snugly and my eyes started closing I realized I hadn't posted. By this time however, I was just too tired to get up and do it, so here we are now.

It's November, a couple months into school for most of us, almost done school for others. It's so strange to think that for Caitlin it's almost summer while I'm getting ready for winter, pulling out the boots and coats, looking out my window each morning to see if it's snowed yet. I think we're supposed to get snow by the end of the week, which most people aren't thrilled about but I love winter. Well okay, most of the time I love winter. I'm not such a fan of waiting for the morning bus in the dark, while it snows, and is -30 degrees, especially since buses are NEVER on time in the winter. Not so fun.

What I do love is when it's a nice after noon. No snow coming down, but the ground and trees covered in a winter wonderland. When the sun shines in winter everything seems so much brighter, each ray of sunshine reflected off millions of particles of ice, the snow looking like it's covered in glitter. When the temperature is just below zero it's perfect for being outside, not terribly cold but not so warm that things are melting and getting slushy. And I love going skating outside, I'm not very good at it, but I love it none the less.

The days get pretty short, by the time we hit the shortest day of the year it's dark before 5pm. Christmas lights help though, when all the houses get decked out and glowing through the nights. Even inside the house the lights from the tree or a fire in the fireplace create a visual warmth to ward of the cold and dark of outside.

So many people complain about winter, the cold and the snow making them miserable. But I think winter, particularly around Christmas, is one of the most beautiful and magical times of the year. Living in the prairies this far north winter can be bitterly cold and it drags on for nearly 5, sometimes 6 months of the year. I think you have to be able to appreciate the beauty of it or it'll drive you insane.

It's a common theme explored in literature and film that there is a light side and dark side in everything and that's true even for something as seemingly mundane as the weather.

We live in an extraordinary world.



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