Friday, October 28, 2011

Sometimes We Just Need to Laugh

Lately life has been very busy and very stressful. Too much to do, too little time. Work and school, retail coming up to Christmas and midterms. Then throw in some family events, a bit of regular homework, piano lessons, applications, and a rather long 'to do' list. Not getting enough sleep, not having time to relax, getting run down, and getting sick.

We all have times like this. We all push through and there's light at the end of the tunnel, or metaphorical light in the physical form of a bed to collapse on to. It's a rough time of year for many people, particularly students trying to get through exams. It's easy to get caught up in the stress and fatigue, being grumpy and unenthusiastic day in and day out. So take a night off.

Just one night. It'll make you feel a whole lot better. Forget about studying for a few hours, forget the work you have to do. Go out and have fun. See a friend you haven't seen in a while, or go to a movie, go to a show. Don't pick the heavy thought provoking stuff, pick the happy, fluffy, and comedic.

Smile and have fun. It's said that laughter is the best medicine and it's true. One night of laughter will rejuvenate you and help you get through everything going on. Shed the stress and worries and come back the next day with a smile on your face and a new plan of attack.

And Don't Forget To Be Awesome,


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