Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ambitions & Earthquakes

Hey guys! Sorry for last week.. I don't think none of us really know what happened then. Now I know this week is meant to be about ambitions, and I'll talk about that a bit later. But first I'd like to all tell you about something that has never happened to me before that happened at around 2:30 am this morning. An earthquake.

Okay, so before you freak out or anything. Calm down. We're all okay, it was only 3.4 on the Richter Scale and from what I know, no damage of any kind was done. Only my mum and I experienced. I remember waking up and seeing the whole room shake, like everything was moving. Well, I couldn't really see the room shake seeing as it was dark but I definitely felt it. It was like everything was vibrating in a way. At first, I thought I was going insane as it only lasted a few seconds. So I went back to sleep a minute or so after and when I woke up I asked my mum about it and she said she felt it too.. (So thankfully I'm not going insane. Yet :P) But yeah, it was an awesome experience. It was the first earthquake I had been in (seeing as I missed the one earlier this year..) and I guess that if it was bigger and there was damage done and then a tsunami or something to follow? Then I would say it wasn't awesome.. But even still. Pretty cool. So yeah, that's it on the earthquake biz. Now, over to ambitions.

I guess I'm not really too sure about what my ambitions are, but I definitely know what I'd like to do in my life. I'd love to be a triple threat. Acting, Singing and of course, Writing. I've recently gotten into acting and I'm doing it for the full year next year. I've always loved singing and music in general and I've been writing every since I was 7, that's more than half of my life. Though it's not for all the fame and the glory and the money. Sure, that'd be nice. It'd be like winning the Triwizard Tournament. But it's more for me and the thought that if I one day die, I'll want to be remembered by the world through something. Whether it be through a book, a film or an awesome song that wins loads of Arias and Grammys. ^_^ I guess at the end of the day everyone wants to be famous, but for me it's more making my mark on the world and they're the 3 things I can think of that I'm good at, enjoy and get to travel.. Along with helping people. If anything, my ambitions all come back to three things. Travelling, helping people and making my mark on the world.

That's all for now folks ;) DFTBA!

Caitlin x

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