Time for some questions! Let's go.
What is your political affiliation?
I took the quiz Chuck sent me, and it put me just to the right of the center, and right on the line between authoritarian and libertarian. However, since I didn't feel particularly strongly about a lot of the questions, I don't know if it really accurately represents my political standing. I would describe myself as a conservative, but not a republican. I definitely fall on the right on most issues.
What's your ethnic/racial heritage and what does it mean to you?
I'm half white (mostly Scottish) and half Filipino. In the past I've tried to find an identity in both sides of my heritage, but I've found that, ultimately, saying "I'm Scottish" or "I'm a Pinay" has very little to do with who I actually am. When it comes down to it, I'm an American, and that's enough.
Although... my cousin was recently on Geneology.com and found out that on my dad's side, we're descended from British royalty. Which is kind of cool.
If you could be any fictional character (book/film/tv) who would you be and why?
Well that's a hard one. I'd like to be a student at Hogwarts, or a Doctor's companion, but if I were either of those things I'd want to do it as me. I think if I had to choose just one, it would be Jane Eyre. Because I am in love with Mr. Rochester. *sigh* <3
What is your opinion of Global Warming?
Mehhhhhhhhhhh. I'm actually inclined to think that global warming is, if not a complete lie, then at least blown way out of proportion by a lot of people trying to make a buck off of your guilt. I've heard a lot to support the idea that if the earth is indeed warming, it has little to do with what cars we drive, or whatever.
However, I do think we should be environmentally responsible. Even if there's no such thing as global warming, it doesn't mean we can go around trashing our planet.
Random Question: What did you do over the weekend?
A whole lot of this:
I'm the mostly-obscured cellist on the far right. As my teacher says at the beginning of the video, this is why we play the cello. :)
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