Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Week (4.18.11)

This is probably going to be a pretty short post.

I have two opinions about easter.
The first,
Easter has gone from being a celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to being a secular holiday about Bunnies and Chocolate... However I can't really call this a bad thing because Easter (like Marriage or the Nuclear Family) has changed dramatically since it was first 'created', and (like Christmas) it means something completely different in other parts of the world.
The second,
This theme kind of bothers me. It kind of bothers me because even though I'm a Christian and I celebrate Easter doesn't mean that everyone does. I mean one of my fellow bloggers is a staunch athiest and since this is a Christian holiday it kind of seems (to me at least) like a slap in the face to him...

In my family Easter has never really been a big deal in terms of celebration. We go to church, we come home from church, and then we go out to eat maybe? It's kind of like every other Sunday...

So HPDH1 came out on blu-ray Friday, and I got it, and I watched it... It was fantastic. I honestly don't understand how someone can watch Dobby die and NOT cry.... Seriously.
AND AND AND (this is the exciting part) I saw the opening scene for HPDH2 yesterday! vasdfjasdfkafhakdjfhakjsdhflajsd It was so great.

It starts at about 1:37

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