Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Movies

I've been going to a bunch of movies lately so I thought I'd talk a bit about the ones out right now that I've seen. With that said, here we go!

I've seen it twice already and really enjoyed it! It's Pixar's first time doing a fairy tale, their first time with a princess, and their first time with a female lead, but I think they pulled it off rather nicely. The plot isn't anything too extravagant, it's more just a fun, heartwarming, family film. The animation and visual aspects are beautiful! And there's lots of humour and adorableness in it! <3 <3 <3 <3

People Like Us
It was alright, a touching story based on true events sort of thing. I enjoyed it but it's not one I'd want to watch over and over. <3 <3

Snow White and the Huntsman
Another one I've seen twice, I kind of love it. It's so well done, and visually captivating. A lot of the creative team is the same as the live action Alice in Wonderland so it has a similar look and feel, just minus the Tim Burton. I was a little worried about it having Kristen Stewart but I actually didn't hate her in it. I'm not saying I liked her, but I didn't hate her as much as I normally do. And CHRIS HEMSWORTH AND SAM CLAFLIN. That is all. <3 <3 <3 <3 <

Dark Shadows
I'm not too sure what to say. It has the Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and Helena Bonham Carter trio but was even a bit strange for them. Vampires and magic and the '80s were an interesting combination but a strange one. For the most part I did enjoy it though, and even if I'm not too sure what to make of it I'm glad I saw it. <3 <3 <3

The Avengers
Yeah it's been out for a while but it's still in theatres and all I have to say is GO SEE IT! NOW! DROP EVERYTHING AND RUN TO THE THEATRE!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

What movies has everyone else been seeing and what are your thoughts on them?




  1. Really.. You liked Snow White and the Huntsman? *shakes head*
    The Amazing Spider-man. I saw it last night. SO GOOD.

  2. I saw Avengers in theaters twice. It was just as good if not better the second time-- and it's a rare movie that does that for me. Also just saw the new Spiderman and loved it!

    And speaking of Joss Whedon, Caitlin-- I recently watched Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog for the 5th time. And then I watched every single episode of Firefly and then I watched Serenity. Good stuff. :)

  3. Overall I did quite enjoy Snow White, I mean there were definitely parts I didn't like (such as Kristin Stewart, and I wasn't a huge fan of the queen or her brother, none of them really interested me and the acting was so-so, etc) but I found enough in it that I liked to make up for what I didn't. Like I loved the score, the cinematography, and the overall look and feel of the movie. I also was really interested in this adaptation of it because I'm so used to Disney's version where the Huntsman has so little to do with anything and yet plays such a crucial role, so I really enjoyed how they put nearly as much focus on him as Snow White in this film and gave him a story and a role.

    I'm so excited for Spiderman so I'm glad you both thought it was good! Hopefully I'll see it this week but I've got stuff going on nearly everyday :S

    Speaking of Firefly, I started watching it! It's so good and Joss Whedon-y and wonderful! :)

  4. FIREFLY :D Oh gosh. Don't get me started on Serenity.. I'll end up ruining it for someone, again.
