Saturday, November 26, 2011

November Vignettes

Hey guys, sorry for not writing last time. I'd give an excuse but... well... I don't really have one. So, just accept my apologies. Today, I want to share with you a few anecdotes from my life since I last wrote.

Life of a Westmont Music Student


SCENE: Music office, afternoon. It's Saturday morning and Emily is sitting at the student worker desk, scrolling through an Xcel document. Her job is to take down information for ticket reservations from all the people who reserved tickets via phone-- meaning old people who don't use the internet. The phone beeps beside her and plays a pre-recorded message over the speakers.

Phone: This is the mailbox for...Westmont Christmas festival ticket reservation. There are...80 new and...0 saved messages.

Emily sighs and hits play on the first message. 

Phone (in the voice of an elderly woman): Hello... this is... Marian Smith. That's S-M-I-T-H. My phone number is 5.... 5.... um..................................what is it again?


SCENE: Dr. S's living room, Thanksgiving day. Dr. S is kindly hosting students who live too far away to be able to go home for Thanksgiving. Emily, Dr. S, and two other students are sitting on the floor around an aged board game called Dogfighters. Small plastic WWI biplanes cover the board. It's Dr. S's turn; he rolls the dice and after some strategic thinking, decides to make a move.

Dr. S: I'm attacking!!! VVVVVRRRRR woosh! rat at at at at at at! PRRCKKSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! You're DEAD.


SCENE: Dorm room, Saturday evening. Emily is lying in bed with her laptop, writing something. Even though nearly everyone on campus is gone for Thanksgiving break, and the shuttle isn't running, she's still trying to find an excuse not to do her homework.

She realizes it's her day to blog, and begins to type a post. Funny stories from the past couple weeks, she thinks; that'll make a good post. She writes two, but gets stuck thinking of any more. There should be three, she thinks, three is a good number.

But what to write about? She realizes what she wants to write about, as well as the fact that there's no un-cheesy way to do it. What the hell, she thinks.

She decides to write about what she's thankful for. The words come out fast once she realizes what she's writing.  She's thankful for friends. For the friendships she's made over the past few months. This summer, she didn't know any of these people; now, they've become more important to her than she can even say. She doesn't know how she'll be able to live without them when she goes home for Christmas break. Even the 5-day Thanksgiving break has been painfully lonely without them.

She looks at what she's written. Yep. It's cheesy. But that's okay. It's true.



Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving on Black Friday

Well it's Friday again so hello people...if there is anyone out there :P

So this week marked Thanksgiving and though I do not celebrate it (for obvious reasons) I thought I'd give a shout out to things that I am thankful for.

- School: Yes, as much as I complain about school, I'm still incredibly thankful for everything my teachers and all the work they do for students.

- Family and Friends:
With all the stress the past year has brought with exams and university decisions I wouldn't have been able to do it all and still be prepared for the coming year without them. So I'm extremely thankful for their support and I hope that I've been able to be just as helpful to them.

- Vlogbrothers/Internet Community: Like my family and friends, the nerdfighter community, and the numerous fandoms that I stalk on tumblr, have been tremendous support in times of needing stress free environments. Also you guys and this blog, I'm thankful for the place of creative release and a place where it's nice to attempt to connect with people outside of my comfort zone and home.

-Life: I'm thankful to be alive and healthy. I'm thankful to wake up every morning with the prospect of a brand new day, a brand new day to make a mark on.

Gosh that last point was a bit cheesy.
To those who celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you and your family had a great time and to those who do not, hope your week has been equally brill.


Turkey Day

For those of you celebrating today,

Happy Thanksgiving!



Sunday, November 20, 2011

Who was that girl?...

Hello All,
I've just been beamed back after intergalactic journeys, actually that's a lie.
I shouldn't lie and just come out and say it; I forgot. A lot.
Every Friday morning I would remember but then it would get to the evening and I would just completely forget for reasons X, Y and Z.

So let's pretend today is Friday.

So an update...Well since my last post I've turned 18, WOOO! The most scandalous thing I've done so far is almost walk out the library with a book without checking it out. A lot of my time has been spent in the study section of my local library, I actually even spent my birthday in there. Other things that have been happening include my Oxford entrance exam. It was hard and it was confusing and I found out how I did on Wednesday, also if I got an interview the following week and I'm going crazy. I reeeaalllllyyyyy want that interview. Aside from that studying has been the major thing as I got my January exam timetable two weeks back. I only have a Biology and a Psychology exam to do, but we haven't finished the syllabus for Psych yet, so I
hope that goes well...

I have parent's evening on Thursday, taking my dad as per usual. He doesn't want to go, he doesn't like it. He says my teachers don't give enough constructive criticism, but I like it that way 8-)

Just like Kim, I find it weird to believe that we are entering November and all the cold, yet Caitlin is entering November and the heat. I actually think it would be quite cool to have Christmas in the Sun, rather than in the freezing cold. Yet saying that I like winter, the coldness, the cosiness. Like this morning, I woke up to find I couldn't see out my window as it was so foggy, and it was cold, but cold here is like 5 degrees not -30 :/

On a side note;
To those doing NaNoWriMo, I hope it is going well and you are actually enjoying doing it.
To Chuck, Congrats for getting in to Bowling Green State University.
To Caitlin, Easy A is bloody brilliant!!

This post has been a bit rambly and a bit all over the place, but I just want to say hello again and hopefully try to get back into a regular rhythm of reclaiming my Friday's, its not like I have a social life on Fridays :P But from now on, I do here pledge to try harder.

OH RANDOM NOTE: What is this I here about Pizza being declared a vegetable in America?!?!

Good luck with the week, enjoy it and make the most of it,
and as always don't forget to be awesome,

Sim x

Just to note, the working title of this blog was 'We should go on a Update'... I thought it was hilarious 8-)

Friday, November 11, 2011


I swear I never know what day of the week it is anymore! Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday, Wednesday I thought it was Tuesday, today I thought it was Friday (which is why this post is being written at 2am :S) and I just can't keep my life in order!

Pretty much not a lot is new with me. I used to work 10-15 hours a week, now it's 20+ hours. Plus I'm in school, just part time studies at least. And I know if I sat down to make a "to-do" list it'd be ridiculously long but I don't even have the motivation to think about everything I should be doing.

Also I had sent in an application and now I'm obsessively checking my e-mail to see if they've responded yet. It's only been a couple weeks and will probably take a lot longer but at the same time I'm like "It's already been a couple weeks! How long does it take?!"

So yeah, that's life; busy and stress-y. And I may be getting a cold. Or a cold I had a month ago never fully went away and is making its return. And my mother keeps saying "You should have gotten a flu shot!" and I keep trying to tell her "A flu shot does nothing for the common cold." "But Kim, a cold can turn into the flu." "Mom, I have never actually had the flu." "There's a first time for everything!" "I've never had a cavity and I don't intend on there being a first time for that."
*sigh* As you can tell things aren't very exciting around here.



Monday, November 7, 2011

Catching Up

It has been WAY too long since I've posted a blog, and let me just say that I feel like complete crap for it. I would like to apologize to my fellow bloggers for basically failing lately.

My senior year has been amazing so far. The first quarter just ended, which means that I only have about 8 weeks before I go to college.

Speaking of college. I got accepted to Bowling Green State University a few weeks ago and I plan on going there in January. (Go Falcons!) I'm sooooo excited. But lately I've really been thinking that I'm going to miss my friends like crazy. I'm sure once I'm there it'll be better, but I'm kinda nervous about it.

Also, I am currently doing NaNoWriMo. It's my first time and I'm already at a major disadvantage I'm a major latecomer however. I started on Saturday. I have about 5000 words written and I'm trying to write about 2000 words a day (I'm actually procrastinating from finishing my 2000 for today to do this). I think there's a definite possibility that I can finish on time.

I've missed you guys.
See you next week and DFTBA

Another Month

Hello all. Sorry about forgetting to write yesterday.

Here in Santa Barbara it's been getting cold. Well, ask a Southern Californian, and they'll tell you it's cold-- ask a Coloradan, and she'll tell you the temperature is perfect. The leaves here are finally starting to change (on the few trees that do), the air is crisp, and midterms are (almost) over. I love the D.C. (cafeteria) on cold nights-- at a small school like this, it feels like a huge, warm family celebration. Everyone's sitting with friends, laughing and having a good time.

My week was really stressful. Surprise rehearsals, take-home midterms, concerts, schedule changes-- I was incredibly glad when it was over. My weekend has been restful but not nearly long enough.

Sorry for being so random, but I was just thinking-- sometimes I take for granted all of the things I get to do here. It can be hard to appreciate, while cramming for, say, a Doctrine midterm, the depth of the concepts I get to wrestle with and discuss with other people. And it can be hard, in a discouraging dress rehearsal, to remember that it's a privilege to make good music with so many wonderful friends. When I sat down to write this post I had just finished studying for a music theory test (8am tomorrow! yay! ...not), and was thinking back over my day for inspiration on what to write about. I realized that in the past 24 hours, I've composed music, played duets with the music department secretary for a fundraiser, watched an episode of Nova about space-time that completely blew my mind, studied music theory on the floor of my friend's dorm room, lost my cell phone, and laughed more times than I can count. Life isn't a walk in the park (or on the beach, if you prefer), but it's also amazingly good.

Can we do a story week next week? I think I want to tell a story. Hopefully something story-worthy will happen to me and I can write about it; if not, I'll make something up. It'll be fun.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Welcome to November

Once again I'm utilizing the Sunday catch up day, Thursday night I got into bed exhausted and sore from work and once I got all snugly and my eyes started closing I realized I hadn't posted. By this time however, I was just too tired to get up and do it, so here we are now.

It's November, a couple months into school for most of us, almost done school for others. It's so strange to think that for Caitlin it's almost summer while I'm getting ready for winter, pulling out the boots and coats, looking out my window each morning to see if it's snowed yet. I think we're supposed to get snow by the end of the week, which most people aren't thrilled about but I love winter. Well okay, most of the time I love winter. I'm not such a fan of waiting for the morning bus in the dark, while it snows, and is -30 degrees, especially since buses are NEVER on time in the winter. Not so fun.

What I do love is when it's a nice after noon. No snow coming down, but the ground and trees covered in a winter wonderland. When the sun shines in winter everything seems so much brighter, each ray of sunshine reflected off millions of particles of ice, the snow looking like it's covered in glitter. When the temperature is just below zero it's perfect for being outside, not terribly cold but not so warm that things are melting and getting slushy. And I love going skating outside, I'm not very good at it, but I love it none the less.

The days get pretty short, by the time we hit the shortest day of the year it's dark before 5pm. Christmas lights help though, when all the houses get decked out and glowing through the nights. Even inside the house the lights from the tree or a fire in the fireplace create a visual warmth to ward of the cold and dark of outside.

So many people complain about winter, the cold and the snow making them miserable. But I think winter, particularly around Christmas, is one of the most beautiful and magical times of the year. Living in the prairies this far north winter can be bitterly cold and it drags on for nearly 5, sometimes 6 months of the year. I think you have to be able to appreciate the beauty of it or it'll drive you insane.

It's a common theme explored in literature and film that there is a light side and dark side in everything and that's true even for something as seemingly mundane as the weather.

We live in an extraordinary world.



Wednesday, November 2, 2011


So, the month that is November has finally dawned upon us. And wow, is it a busy month. ... For me that is.

As some of you know, November is the month where NaNoWriMo takes place. And NaNoWriMo is that thing that insane people do.. You know? The one where people all over the world try and write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days? Yeah. That one. Well, I'm doing it and this is my second year. My first year was an epic fail, but hopefully this year will be better. Second day in on my second year, and I've already gone past the 3,000 mark. I'm proud of myself.

November is also the month where exams take place. For those who have exams at this time of year this is. I'm not complaining that much.. We get to write a narrative for our English exam! But then there's the Italian exam. My oh my, that will not go well. But all exam dread aside, I only have 2 and a half weeks of 'proper' school left. Then a week of exams where I only need to be at school for a few hours a day, and then there 2 and a half months of holidays waiting for me. Then year 11. But let's worry about that when it gets here.. :)

So, how is everyone? And I've decided that Easy A is easily one of my favourite movies..

DFTBA, Caitlin x