Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hi, Hope you're Well

Firstly I'd just like to say that Emily, your piece was beautiful and thank you for sharing it with us! As for Pottermore I think it's an interesting concept, and a new way of using technology to enhance the reading experience. That being said, I do think there's maybe some bugs to work out, and improvements still to make but I think it's a nice compliment to the books and a way to help keep them going strong even years after the initial publications. There are certain aspects of it I'm not a huge fan of, I feel like a lot of the descriptions are repetitive and oversimplified if you know the books well but I love that we're also getting new information so I'm kind of torn as to what my overall opinion is, I'm interested to see how it goes as it grows and changes are made.

Secondly I'm sorry it's been a while since I posted, life's been a bit hectic lately. I've started getting things organized for school in the fall and I'm looking into all my applications for student loans and a student visa and all that. I've also been looking for a second job for the summer so I can save up a bit more and hopefully not need as much in loans. Pretty much I've been busy but not with anything overly exciting, mostly paper work :S Oh well, once it's all done and fall comes around I'll be back in school and having a grand old time!



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