But yeah, I didn't post last week because I could not put it down. Except the dust jacket, I read it with the dust jacket off, which is not something I normally do but it was just too pretty and I couldn't risk damaging it! And a green J-scribble! Gah! I almost feel like it wasn't until I saw it there on the page that it sunk in that he actually signed every. single. copy. I cannot believe he did that. It's amazing!
I need to read it again, there's so much in it that I know I didn't catch everything the first time through. And I really wish I was reading this book in an English class because it is begging for literary analysis. I do think it has so much potential to become a classic.
Anyways that's pretty much been my week: hibernating and reading. Which is really nice because it's COLD outside! I was starting to become concerned about global warming because we were having such a bizarrely nice winter but we finally got a cold snap and the order of things were restored.
Sorry I'm all over the place, maybe hibernation is turning into a bit of cabin fever... oh well!